WholesomeGamer Cast: Episode 1
Added: 21.01.2015 15:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
"The first official WholesomeGamer Podcast is finally here! In WholesomeGamer Cast Episode 1, we talk about the following:
-Video Game Reviews (and the controversy surrounding them)
-The New Nintendo 3DS
-Kingdom Hearts
-and more!
-(oh yeah and we talk about THAT GUY who didnt show up. He knows who he is)
So listen up, heres the WholesomeGamer Cast Episode 1 for you to listen to right no..."
| Code Name S.T.E.A.M. hands-on: Superb, Terrific, Excellent, Awesome, Magnificent - Examiner
Added: 20.01.2015 18:10 | 5 views | 0 comments
Over the years, Nintendo has created some of the most unique IPs, with characters fans have come to adore. 2015 looks like a year that will be no exception as Nintendo has a slew of interesting, original games coming to the market.
The New Nintendo 3DS XL is one of the platforms that is going to receive some of these new titles. Code Name S.T.E.A.M. is among the many games Nintendo will be bringing to the 3DS, which already has over 1,300 titles in its library.
| The New Fire Emblem For 3DS May Be Arriving Sooner Than Expected
Added: 20.01.2015 7:00 | 11 views | 0 comments

Nintendo Australia anticipates a 2015 local release
| The New Fire Emblem For 3DS May Be Arriving Sooner Than Expected
Added: 20.01.2015 7:00 | 9 views | 0 comments

Nintendo Australia anticipates a 2015 local release
| Designing The New Gameplay Of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
Added: 20.01.2015 5:10 | 1 views | 0 comments
Game Informer: "As discussed in our previous video interview with the game director and creative director, the Uncharted 4 team is planning on opening up the gameplay options a bit by providing multiple paths and ways to take out Nathan Drake's enemies. We spoke with co-lead designer Ricky Cambier to discuss how Drake is using his new rope/grapple tool and more to embrace the team's more sandbox-centric approach to Uncharted 4's gameplay."
| Save Your Money, There Is No Reason to Upgrade to the New 3DS XL
Added: 20.01.2015 2:10 | 1 views | 0 comments
The New 3DS is certainly pretty, but is upgrading really worth it yet?
| The Co-op Podcast #104: Console Exclusives Are Lacking
Added: 19.01.2015 22:10 | 16 views | 0 comments
Gary Swaby at The Koalition writes: Welcome to the first episode of The Co-op podcast for 2015. The NPD numbers were released last week, and they were pretty surprising, with Xbox One selling the most consoles in December, and some of the more popular games selling more on the Xbox One platform. What does this tell us about the rest of the year? Its hard to say so early on, but listen as we discuss how we feel 2015 will go in terms of sales and popularity.
Exclusives are clearly going to be a huge deciding factor, and currently it seems like Microsoft may have the advantage in terms of console exclusives this year. There are some pretty opinionated thoughts shared on this show, so be sure to leave your comments and rebuttals below.
Tags: Gain, When, Xbox, There, Swarm, Console, Welcome, Microsoft, Podcast, The New, Xbox One
| PSGamecast Episode 1 - The New Babsitter
Added: 19.01.2015 20:11 | 1 views | 0 comments
The inaugural episode of PSGamecast from Psgamer.co.uk talks about PlayStation Now, Pre-order DLC and their predictions for 2015.
| Pressurecast Sixty-One: Should You Buy A New 3DS?
Added: 19.01.2015 17:10 | 6 views | 0 comments
The New 3DS Is Coming To North America! But Should You Pick One Up? Plus, Xbox One Drops Its Price Yet Again, Sony Closes More Stores, And A New Rock Band Might Be On The Way!
Tags: North, Xbox, Prime, Coming, Pick, Ball, Roll, Most, Rock Band, Soul, The New, Xbox One
| The Gamebrit Podcast, Episode #023 The 2014 Game of The Year Special
Added: 19.01.2015 3:10 | 8 views | 0 comments
Join the Gamebrit team for a bumper show where what happened in 2014 is discussed and the team argue over their favourites games of the past twelve months. Spoiler alert: Hearthstone gets mentioned.
Gamebrit talk about a load of 2014s biggest games including Mario Kart 8, Wolfenstein The New Order, Shadow of Mordor, Monument Valley, Titanfall, South Park: The Stick of Truth and more. Its a big one.
Tags: Mario, Gain, Shadow, Yeah, John, Episode, Truck, Souls, Still, Karl, Wolfenstein, The New
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